EASTER RESPONSE CARD We Want To Hear From You! Fields marked with * are required Your Name * Male Female Single Married Date of Birth Please enter your date of birth so we can best serve you. I am a First Time Guest Update My Information Your Email Your Phone Number Address Service: Saturday 5pm online Sunday 9am online Sunday 10:30am online My Prayer Request Is: For The Prayer Team Confidential Please pray with me for: I'm Interested in Hearing More About These Themes: Burnout Family Finances Death Miracles Forgiveness The Holy Spirit Difficult Times Biblical Leadership My Identity/Purpose Injustice Hope Time Money Prayer Eternity Overcoming Addiction Something Else I Will Write Below Whether this is your first time here or you're a regular attender, we would love to hear from you. A theme I'm interested in was not listed above. I'd like to learn about: The Next Step In My Spiritual Journey: Beginning a real relationship with God. Expressing my faith in Jesus. I want to be baptized the way Jesus was baptized as my public statement of faith in Him. Learning more about becoming a member of Building Church. Please send me information about what to do next. I'd like to become part of a Life Group. My Decision Today: A - I'm asking Jesus into my life today for the first time. B - I'm a committed follower of Jesus. C- I'm recommitting to follow Jesus. D - I don't ever plan on making a decision to follow Jesus. Submit Easter Response Card