Invite Your Family and Friends To Experience God at Building Church

One invitation could change everything. That person you've been thinking about inviting to church—one invitation could change their whole life! We know that stepping out of your comfort zone to ask someone to church can feel intimidating, but you don't have to figure out how to do this on your own.
These three steps below will help you be bold and make the invite.





The Lord is our ever-present help. He will give you guidance and strength to invite your friends and family to church.

Ask the Lord for guidance on what to say.
Luke 12:12 (The Voice) says, "The Holy Spirit will give you the words to say at the moment when you need them." You don't need to worry about creating the perfect pitch or saying the wrong thing. The Lord will provide the exact words you to say at the moment you need them.

Ask the Lord for an opportunity to invite them to church.
"And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ." Colossians 4:3 (NIV)

The Lord goes before you and behind you. Ask the Lord to open a door for you to ask your family or friend to church. He is faithful to answer your prayer and create a window of opportunity to extend a church invitation to them.


The heart of the gospel is relationship. We are created for relationship with the Lord and others.

Instead of thinking of your invitation as a sales pitch, focus on creating meaningful points of connection with the person you're inviting.

Try inviting them to service and treating them to brunch afterward. Let them know how much church has impacted your life. Share with them about the community you have at BC and what the Lord has done since you've joined the family. Our testimonies are powerful tools of connection and revelation.


In addition to inviting people in-person, there are other ways to invite others to church.

Share Our Online Services:
We're so thankful we can experience church from anywhere in the world. Sharing the service on your page is a great way to invite someone to church digitally.

Invite People to our BC Events:
Perhaps your family or friends aren't sure about attending a service but will attend a fun event at the church. This could be a great introduction to the church in a more familiar environment.

Share the Graphics Below:
Whether you text these graphics to a friend or post them on your social media, this is an easy way to start the conversation about coming to church.

Invite a Friend by Sharing These Images

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