Join us to party from 4pm-6pm.

Please note, this is a pet-free event.
Please do not leave your children unattended.

We'll be enjoying time together, food from food trucks, free egg hunts for the kids, petting zoo experiences, and more!
Be sure to check out the schedule below so you'll be in the loop for all the fun!

All the activities are free, but a wristband is required. You can pre-register below to get to the fun faster. Waiver registrations will also be available in-person at the event.

Food Trucks available for purchase

Petting Zoo, Bounce Houses, and More!

Egg Hunts for Toddlers-5th Grade

4pm: The party kicks off with emcees at the stage!

Be sure to head to the waiver table first to get your wristband that lets you into all the free activities! Enjoy time exploring the bounce houses, food trucks, and petting zoos.

5pm: The helicopter arrives to do an Easter egg drop! Grab those cameras and watch from the tables.

For your safety, we ask that you stay behind the yellow tape to ensure you can enjoy a fun and exciting helicopter drop experience!

Once the helicopter is finished dropping eggs, be sure to listen to the announcements to see when your age group will hunt eggs!

Egg hunts are split into the following age categories and will go one at a time so you don't miss out on watching any of your kids have a great time!

  • Toddlers
  • Pre-K
  • K-1st grade
  • 2nd-3rd grade
  • 4th-5th grade

Be sure to listen for instructions from the stage on when to circle your age's field and then for the countdown buzzer to GO!

6pm: Event closes out, but the fun doesn't end there - join us Sunday morning for Easter worship experiences!

You're invited to our Easter Sunday worship experiences at 8:30 am, 10:00 am, and 11:30 am right here at 845 Slaughter Road!

Join us for our 8:30 am, 10:00 am, and 11:30 am Easter Sunday experiences!

You're invited to Easter at Building Church! ⁠ ⁠ On Sunday, March 31st join us for an Easter like no other as we celebrate a Savior like no other!
You can come with your friends and family or fly solo - there's a seat for you here either way.⁠

Join us for our 8:30 am, 10:00 am, or 11:30 am Worship Experience

Help yourself to free drip coffee or purchase a specialty coffee from our cafe!

Meet New Friendly Faces